
Friday, January 28, 2011

Challenge #9 ...a photo I took

We were heading towards the Cheetah enclosure 
when I noticed some VIP's at the Houston Zoo.
There weren't many people in the area so I snapped this shot.

As Barbara and Barbara were leaving with their Secret Service guys
they turned to look towards us.  You see, we had the cute baby, two very cute boys 
and one of those cute boys was sporting squeaky shoes.
The lovely Bush ladies smiled and waved.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Challenge #8 ...a photo that makes me a little bit sad

My dad is getting older and isn't able to do as much as he could when he was younger.
This will happen to everyone who lives long enough, this I know.
It is just a bit sad to know my children do not know the man he was.
It is just a bit sad to not have him present at family occasions.

I wish my children, my nieces and nephews knew him when he was a bit younger.

I remember walking to the stadium with dad to see a BYU football game.

I remember a dad taking time to show me a bit about painting when I felt all alone.

I remember a dad telling me to look at the shape of things and then draw.
I remember a dad who built houses even of gingerbread.
I remember a dad who took time to listen.
I remember a dad who could figure anything out; a builder, a thinker and a bit of a tinker.

He is slowing down like I will one day and I love him very much.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Challenge #7 ...a photo that makes my heart melt.

There are many photos that make my heart melt. I couldn't choose just one so...

melt, melt, good thing I am not a snowman.

a walk in the park is the joy of Maggie

Totally Cute Tate!

Look at that smile. Look at those eyes...

Christian is older but this shot is still one of my favorites!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Challenge #6 - Twenty of My Favorite Things

Listing 20 of my favorite things could be dangerous. The list is not necessarily in order of importance or most don't read too much into the list. So, just for now, this is a list of 20 things I really like.

1 - Rick
2 - Christian, Maggie, Zachy, Tate, Addie
3 - See's Chocolates - Chocolate Butter and Apricot Delight!
4 - Cody
5 - Green chile Verde - we have pot simmering right now.
6 - Madisyn & Max
7 - Reading a good book!
8 - Kellie & Brian
9 - Going to a fabric store without $$ limit.
10 - Eric & Jess
11 - ICE cold Coke with pellet ice!
12 - Yellow Roses
13 - Bob
14 -
15 - Thunder & Lightning
16 - Baby giggles
17 - Beaches
19 - Cooking something new
20 - Temples

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Challenge #5 - My Favorite Quote

There are many quotable sayings and currently this is my favorite:
"Promise me you'll always remember: 
You're braver than you believe, 
and stronger than you seem, 
and smarter than you think. "

-Christopher Robin to Pooh-

I've always had a soft spot for A.A. Milne's Pooh, Piglet and Eyore... 
I think there is wisdom we can all learn from the "literal" perspective of a child. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Challenge #4 My Favorite Book

When I was twelve my older sister gave me list of summer reading. That list included Jane Eyre, David Copperfield, Anna Karenina, Pride & Prejudice and a Tale of Two Cities. I started with David Coppperfield moved on to Jane Eyre and on through the list. I learned that I loved historical fiction.
Jane Eyre is still a favorite but now I just can't seem to pass up a good mystery or fantasy adventure. Try reading the original Peter Pan or the more recent Eyre Affair if you like words.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Challenge #3 - a favorite teacher

I have many teachers who I would count as favorites:
  1. Mrs. Nybo - 6th grade, she encouraged me to look at different cultures of the world
  2. Mr. Paulson - 8th grade Geography, helped to fuel my interest in the world
  3. Miss Mellor - 8th Grade English, teaching me to dissect words and find their roots...that is fascinating. 
  4. Mr. Lloyd - deepened my appreciation of the United States.
  5. Mrs. Warner - Encouraged me to explore world cultures through recipes
  6. Mrs. Liechty - helped me believe and achieve the elusive and rarely given "A" in the Clothing & Textile Dept. of BYU

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Challenge #2 - My definition of success...

... being able to accomplish a goal, work or process. 

Ultimately, success would be to see those who have lived before me, those who are here around me and those who have yet to come understanding, living and loving one another withing the bounds of the gospel of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this kind of success would depend upon my ability to love and care as Christ would have me do. This accomplishment would depend upon the beauty and strength of the atonement of Christ.

In the meantime success means each day that I get up, search the scriptures, encourage those around me, do my best with each task I am given, at the end of the day thank those who have helped me through.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Challenge #1 - My Biggest Accomplishment

I don't know if I can claim anything I have done in my life as MY greatest accomplishment...but, in a disposable world where instant gratification is expected I would have to say the accomplishment that is most meaningful to me would be my marriage.
30 plus years of life with Rick isn't an accomplishment I can claim solely as my own; it is something I cherish.

I have great children and wonderful grandchildren that make my life amazing.  I would have to say that without a loving Heavenly Father who has blessed me with others who help me accomplish great things in life; my life would be much less than it is.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blog Challenge -

I saw this on my niece's blog and thought it was a great idea, and a great way to start off the new year. Yes I am aware it is almost February, but better late than never...right, of course right.

So, here's how it works, there's one post/day for the entire month:

Day 1 - your biggest accomplishment
Day 2 - your definition of success
Day 3 - Your favorite teacher
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes your heart melt
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your role model
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live- in detail, what makes it special?
Day 25 - guilty pleasure
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - car you drive ( and past cars too!)

Get Ready, Get Set, Blog!!