
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Caring with Bears

A typical 9th grader or...Freshman is usually more concerned about their phone, hair, boyfriend or girlfriend, ipod, music, etc. Occasionally, these young people emerge from their typical concerns and look outside to see there are people who really need what they can give. Recently I have witnessed this metamorphosis.

The Teddy Bear Gang - 2010
Front: Melea, Madison, Bailey, Amaris, Julia, Miranda, Annesia, Alyssa
Back: Bailey, Isabelle, Brooklyn, Kalub, Adam, Hailey, Jared, Angelica, Alan, Ruby

I have 21 students in my 9th grade Clothing class. Usually, in this class, students want to make PJ pants, shorts, bags, and other projects for themselves.

My students challenged
themselves to make something for someone they do not know and will not see. They are taking a week to make their version of  "Care Bears".

These bears are small, cuddly and will be traveling to Guatemala as a gift to give comfort to young children undergoing various surgical procedures. These 9th graders have cut, stitched & stuffed these little bears with care and concern.


Christine said...

How very cool. Take pictures --- I'd love to see the results.

Kellie and Brian said...

Those are actually really cute bears. In my brain I had envisioned ugly lopsided bears because that was my skill level in Jr. High. Very cool. And for the record, I can probably pick out from the picture your "favorite students" Ha Ha!