
Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Substitute

sub·sti·tute \ˈsəb-stə-ˌtüt, -ˌtyüt\
noun : a person or thing that takes the place or function of another my case a person who takes the place or function of another in schools throughout Davis County school district.
As of November I have joined the ranks of substitute teachers. I have been in High Schools, Jr. High Schools as well as Elementary Schools. I have worked in both Charter and the good old traditional Public school; Year-round as well as Traditional schedules.

There are pros and cons in every situation of life's expereinces. Substitute teaching is no exception. Among the positive aspects are the options take or leave a job, choosing which schools and grade levels can be very powerful. Cons are the unknown and the known... not knowing the school, the teacher, their expectations and equipment can be intimidating as well as requiring FLEXIBIITY and a reality check.

The reality check is this.
..Substitutes are basically there to manage a babysit children of various ages. If the teacher has prepared a good plan for the day and the substitute realizes they are the one in charge the day can be good, even enjoyable. The other reality check is if it is a bad situtation you don't have to go back, ie. the option to chooose!
The choose the battles that matter most.

As the saying goes "experience is the best teacher" I don't know if experience is the best teacher but my experiences are teaching me how to survive and in some cases even enjoy substitute teaching.

Life is full of opportunities and substitute teaching is presently one of mine.


Emma said...

How fun! I didn't know you were a sub, so what grade is your favorite?

Christine said...

And what subjects do you tackle? Sounds very exciting and fodder for many posts!!

Julie said...

I have subbed in all grades except Kindergarten; in many subjects including Special Ed but not P.E. or any of the Industrial Arts.
I've enjoyed the 1-3rd grades, come jr. high classes and most of the high school classes. There are always a few difficult students in one way or another but I think the 90 min. classes in High School are the most challenging.

Kellie and Brian said...

Woo hoo hoo! It's a new year and Julie has 3, count them, 3 blog posts! I'm so proud! Question - at what age does the eating glue stop? I've told Brian he's way too old now, but there's just something about that Elmers . . .

Jessica said...

I second Christine. You could provide some great entertainment with your stories.

I like your sidebar of the timezones. Very cool.

Genevre said...

I had no idea you has so much experiance...I must pick your brain at the reunion on your opinion on homeschooling!