
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Challenge #10 - a photo taken of me "almost" 10 years ago

Over hill, over dale, we go hiking along...

Short hikes, long walks, up and over the next hill to see what we can see is always a learning experience.
Rick has always loved taking a "hike".
We always get a little botanical lesson and quiz along the way. We are also schooled in the care of wilderness environment "leave no trace", in other words if you pack it in you pack it out and you never cut through the "switch backs"

Through many of the years I was content to stay home with those in our family who were too "young", too "little" or just not quite up to the trip. As the kids grew older they have had great experiences backpacking with Rick, with plenty of opportunities to use their scouting skills. 

One summer, nearly 10 years ago our family made took a backpack trip into the Uinta mountains. As we hiked along trails and through meadows I was usually the "caboose" unless Max came back to give the "caboose" encouragement as he took most of my stuff in his pack and said "Mom, you're doing great"!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Fun times! I think you should have dived in the water with Eric and Max.