
Friday, February 4, 2011

Challenge #12 - something I am OCD about.

You know I think there are more things I do or like to have done in a certain manner.
Oooh that must mean I am getting older than I want to admit.

There is one thing that I really have a problem with...labels.
Price Stickers and product labels make me a bit nuts.
I do not like the price sticker left on anything I am going to use.
Unnecessary Package labels are in the same category.
I take them off plastic storage bins, canisters and random containers.
If I don't like the label or sticker on a product and don't need it for
identification of the item it will be coming off.
I will not be a billboard for unattractive labels.
I will do whatever I need to remove that label, sticker and it's residue.